The nearest airport of Kunnambetta is Calicut (In Malayalam: Kozhikode).
NB: The airport is located 28 kms south of Calicut town.
By bus :
From Bangalore : Take any bus to Kerala via Mysore .
Stop at Kalpetta (+/- 6 hours) (after Sultan Bathery).
At Kalpetta take a bus to Chundale (or Chundel). ( 5 minutes)
At Chundale : Bus direction Meppadi.
-By auto rig shaw: Stop at Kunnambetta village and take a rig shaw to Ananda Matha ashram.
-By foot : Stop at Kunnambetta’s Redemptorist Fathers’ House. Walk a little bit and take the first turn right towards Ananda Matha Ashram. (10 minutes walk).
From Calicut : Bus to Kalpetta ( or direction Sultan Bathery, Mysore, Bangalore)
Stop at Chundale (= 5 minutes before Kalpetta) and follow the indications above.
From Ooty or Gudalur : bus to Kalpetta or Calicut. After Meppadi stop at Kunnambetta and follow the indications above.
By car:
The Monastery is accessible from the road between Gudalur to Chundale . It is located halfway between Chundale and Meppadi.
After Meppadi drive five kilometers until the Redemptorist Father’s house.
There take the way in the direction of Chembra Peak. After 300 meters turn right towards the Ashram.
From Calicut : Highway to Kalpetta via Thamarassery (NH 212). Turn right at Chundale Drive 5 kms to Kunnambetta until the Redemptorist Father’s House and follow the indications above.
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