St Benedict says that “All guests who present themselves are to be received like Christ. “
Ch 53 v 1
Guests of all cast or creed are welcome to share in some way in the prayer of the community. Everybody will be welcome, listened like a person worthy of respect, no matter she is poor or rich, whatever his religion. All are only brothers and sisters who come to us.
We have a small guesthouse so that we can welcome people who want to give some time to think, pray and communicate with us or go into a retreat. These people share our life prayer and often regain inner peace . Withdrawing for a while or a few days or hours from the noisy world represents a real chance for them.
We have a small guesthouse of three rooms for those who want to spend some days in calm and prayer.
For those whoo need a time of spiritual retreat a hermitage is available for some days or some weeks.
For information contact us. Thanks.
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